Fine art photographer Minor White once wrote,
‘Spirit always stands still for the photographer It has chosen.’
I stand still a lot, hoping Spirit chooses me.

My work is an invitation to reconnect with the soul of our world;
to slip through the cracks of the modern noise and clamor
and delight in what is so often missed, these days.

May we all re-learn to slow way down, pause more,
let joy and wonder in, live what truly matters,
with cerulean blue under our nails and bits of fern in our hair *
and remember ourselves...Home.
PhotoPlace Gallery - Middlebury, Vermont
Juried Exhibition 'Poetry of the Ordinary'
PhotoPlace Gallery - Middlebury, Vermont
Juried Exhibition 'Water'

Mendocino Coast Writers 
'Common Ground' Anthology

Mendocino Coast Writers 

'Transitions' Anthology

Fine art prints in private collections in Italy, Switzerland, Scotland and the US
* from a poem of mine titled Cerulean Blue
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